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Al-Ghuri mosque

The mosque is located at Al-Azhar street , Cairo.It was founded in 1504 A.H. The mosque built by Sultan Al-Ashraf Abul Nasr Qansuh al-Ghuri .The madrasa  andmosque was built in the late mamluk cruciform style.

The madrasa has a square open courtyard surrounded by four iwans. The two largest of the iwans have Moorish arches, while the smaller two have raised arches. The minaret has three storeys rectangular in shape. The top originally had four bulbs made of wood toped with a brass crescent.

Al-Ghuri mosque
Al-Ghuri mosque

Center for Conservation & Preservation of Islamic Architectural Heritage  

85, Ramsis Street, (P.O.Box: 764)
11511 Cairo


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