منشورات الاستاذ الدکتور صالح لمعى

English Publications


Design in Spirit of Islam: The Courtyard House in Islamic Architecture of Egypt; MDAIIK 1984


Restoration of the Fatimid Mosque in the Monastery of St. Catherine in Sinai.
Arts and the Islamic World, Vol. 3, No. 4, 1987


The Rehabilitation and Restoration of an Historic Area: The Batiliyya District of Cairo. Third Interrnational Conference on Architectural Conservation & Town Planning London, 13 th-15th April 1987


Historic Cairo: Causes of Deterioration and Suggestions for Preservation.
ICOMOS,  8th General Assembly and International Symposium Washington 1987


The Cairene Sabil: Form and Meaning,
Muqarnas, an annual on Islamic Art and Architecture Volume 6, Leiden, E.J.Brill. 1989.


Insights into Current Conservation Practices;
Museum International Magazine, Vol.225-226, May 2005.


German Publications


Monastery and Mausoleum of Sultan Farag ibn Barquq at Cairo.
German Institute of Archaeology, Department Cairo. (Publisher Augustin W. Germany 1968)


Mosque of Sultan Farag ibn Barquq at Cairo.
German Institute of Archaeology Department Cairo. (Publisher Augustin W. Germany 1972)


School and Monastery of Sultan Barquq at Cairoman Institute of Archaeology Department Cairo.
(Publisher Augustin W. Germany 1982)


Ribat Yaqut al-Mardani at Medina, Saudi Arabia; ZDMG 1985


Arabic Publications


The Islamic Architectural Heritage of Egypt.
Arab University, Beirut 1975 2nd edition, Dar-al-Nahda al-’Arabia, Beirut 1984


The Mosque of Beirut. Arab University, Beirut 1978

      13 The Architecture of old Civilizations.
Dar al-Nahda al-'arabia, Beirut 1979, 2 nd edition, Dar-al-Nahda al-'arabia, Beirut 1983
      14 A view at the European Architecture.
Dar al-Nahda al-‘arabia, Beirut 1979, 2 nd edition, Dar-al-Nahda al-'arabia, Beirut 1983.
      15 Al-wath`eq wa Al-Athar: Domes-Forms-History-Development, Al-faysal Magazine, Ryadah, February 1979

The White Mosque of Sultan Farag ibn Barquq in the Citadel of Cairo. Arab University, Beirut 1980


Al-Madina al-Munawwara: Urban Development and Historical Buildings.
Dar al-Nahda  al-Arabia, Beirut 1981


The Domes in Islamic Architecture. Dar al-Nahda al-`Arabia, Beirut 1982

      19 The Architectural Heritage of Sida. Arab University, Beirut, for publishing 1984.

Islamic Architecture of Ma'ene period in Lebanon. Dar al-Nahda al-`Arabia, Beirut 1985


Principals of Architectural Design and Urban Planning in Different Islamic Era,
Organization of Islamic Capitals and Cities, Cairo 1990

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