منشورات الاستاذ الدکتور صالح لمعى
English Publications
1 |
Design in Spirit of Islam: The Courtyard House in Islamic Architecture of Egypt; MDAIIK 1984 |
2 |
Restoration of the Fatimid Mosque in the Monastery of St. Catherine in Sinai. |
3 |
The Rehabilitation and Restoration of an Historic Area: The Batiliyya District of Cairo. Third Interrnational Conference on Architectural Conservation & Town Planning London, 13 th-15th April 1987 |
4 |
Historic Cairo: Causes of Deterioration and Suggestions for Preservation. |
5 |
The Cairene Sabil: Form and Meaning, |
6 |
Insights into Current Conservation Practices;
German Publications
7 |
Monastery and Mausoleum of Sultan Farag ibn Barquq at Cairo. |
8 |
Mosque of Sultan Farag ibn Barquq at Cairo. |
9 |
School and Monastery of Sultan Barquq at Cairoman Institute of Archaeology Department Cairo. |
10 |
Ribat Yaqut al-Mardani at Medina, Saudi Arabia; ZDMG 1985 |
Arabic Publications
11 |
The Islamic Architectural Heritage of Egypt. |
12 |
The Mosque of Beirut. Arab University, Beirut 1978 |
13 | The Architecture of old Civilizations. Dar al-Nahda al-'arabia, Beirut 1979, 2 nd edition, Dar-al-Nahda al-'arabia, Beirut 1983 |
14 | A view at the European Architecture. Dar al-Nahda al-‘arabia, Beirut 1979, 2 nd edition, Dar-al-Nahda al-'arabia, Beirut 1983. |
15 | Al-wath`eq wa Al-Athar: Domes-Forms-History-Development, Al-faysal Magazine, Ryadah, February 1979 |
16 |
The White Mosque of Sultan Farag ibn Barquq in the Citadel of Cairo. Arab University, Beirut 1980 |
17 |
Al-Madina al-Munawwara: Urban Development and Historical Buildings. |
18 |
The Domes in Islamic Architecture. Dar al-Nahda al-`Arabia, Beirut 1982 |
19 | The Architectural Heritage of Sida. Arab University, Beirut, for publishing 1984. |
20 |
Islamic Architecture of Ma'ene period in Lebanon. Dar al-Nahda al-`Arabia, Beirut 1985 |
21 |
Principals of Architectural Design and Urban Planning in Different Islamic Era, |
Center for Conservation & Preservation of Islamic Architectural Heritage | |
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Tel : +20 2 2575.2495 / 2577.6122 |
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