Societies and Awards




Egyptian Order of Engineers


Egyptian Order of Architects


Egyptian Order of Consulting Engineers (Restoration of Islamic Architectural Heritage)


Member of the Egyptian National Committee of ICOMOS


Member of the German Institute of Archaeology


Member of the Society for Preservation of Egyptian Architectural Heritage (SPARE)


Member of Specialized National Councils; Council for National Heritage Egypt


Member of the International UNESCO Committee for the conservation of the Historic City Jerusalem


Member of the International Executive Committee: ICOMOS (1994 - present)


Organization Of Islamic Capitals and Cities (OICC) Consultant for Islamic Architectural and Urbanity


Member of the Board of the Association of the Arab Archeologists (2002 - present)


Egypt representative at the Arabic Supreme Council for Urban Heritage


Member of the German Architectural Historian Society, Koldewey-Gesellschaft 2003.

     *   Board member of the Egyptian Supreme Council for Antiquities (SCA)




Appreciation Award: "History of Architecture of the Arabs & the Muslims",
Kuwait Foundation for Scientific Development; State of Kuwait


The First Award: "Publishing in the field of Islamic Architecture",
Organization of Islamic Capitals and Cities; Saudi Arabia


Aga Khan Award for Architecture: "The Restoration of the Great Omari Mosque"; Sidon, Lebanon


Award of the State of Kuwait: "Islamic Architecture",
Kuwait Foundation for Scientific Development; State of Kuwait


Architects Award, Organization of Arab Towns; Doha, Qatar


Award of Amin Madani: "Research in the History of the Arabian Peninsula"; Saudi Arabia


Award for Architectural Documentation Studies for Historic Mosques: "Documentation and Restoration of Farag ibn Barquq in Cairo"; King Sa'ud University, Saudi Arabia


Aga Khan Award for Jerusalem: "DarAl-Aytam Complex Documentation and Restoration Project"; Jerusalem


The shield of the Arab Archaeologists for the works in restoration science in Egypt


Hassan Fathy Award for Architecture, Gold Medal for architectural heritage preservation:
"Restoration of Wakalat Bazar’a"; Library of Alexandria, Egypt.
The award is co-organised by Alex Med and the Architecture Committee of the Egyptian
Supreme Council for Culture.



Appreciation Medal in recognition of the services to conserve and preserve the cultural heritage in Egypt;
Supreme Council of Antiquities, Egypt



Academic Visits


Visit to different Research Centers in the field of restoration in West Germany (3 months);
Invitation from German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD); Germany


Visit to the Department of History of Architecture and Restoration at Aachen University (1 month);
Aachen, Germany


Visiting Professor at the Department of Architecture, Mousil University (one month); Al-Mousil, Iraq


Visiting Professor at the Department of Islamic Architecture Umm-al-Qura University (2 weeks); Mekka, Saudi Arabia


Visiting Professor at the Department of Islamic Architecture Umm-al-Qura University (2 weeks); Mekka, Saudi Arabia


Visiting Professor, Department of History of Architecture Harvard University (3 months); Boston, USA


Visiting Professor, Beirut Arab University (1 month); Beirut, Lebanon


Visiting Professor, Department of Archaeology, Tanta University; Tanta, Egypt


Visiting Professor, Department of Archaeology, Tanta University; Tanta, Egypt


Visiting Professor, Beirut Arab University (2 months); Beirut, Lebanon

Center for Conservation & Preservation of Islamic Architectural Heritage  

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11511 Cairo


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